Conservation Writing and Jim Claypool Art Contests
Thousands of students have participated in the Jim Claypool Art and Conservation Writing contests since their introductions in 1974 (Art) and 1944 (Writing). The contests educate students on soil, water, forest, and wildlife conservation. Students take the knowledge they gain and transform it into creative art work and essays. Students can earn monetary prizes at the county, regional, and state levels. Student winners are also recognized each year by conservation districts around the state.
Students up through Grade 5 may compete in the art contest.
Kentucky students Grades 6-12 are eligible to compete in the writing contest.
Entries must be postmarked by December 1, 2024. Mail by USPS or deliver by hand to:
Oldham County Conservation District
1002 Buckner Center Dr, Suite 4
LaGrange KY 40031